Monday, October 4, 2010

Tim Burton

This is a short animation from the beggining of Tim Burton's career. It's called 'Vincent' [after the actor Vincent Price - Tim's inspiration].

Man Ray

'Le Violon d'Ingres ...' 1924

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Getting practical

Darkroom- session 1.

And above is a result of it - my own photogram. 

This was quite random - and amazingly simple. So simple in fact that Man Ray was making tons of them nearly a hundred years ago! I know mine can't be compared to HIS, but still a thought that that's how He must have done it - starting from randomly placing some objects on light sensitive paper- is just extraordinary. A very comforting thought, to be able to do similar thing...

One of the rayographs  :

Monday, September 27, 2010

Let's give it a try!

Welcome to my new virtual space! Here I want to share my work as a learning photographer as well as show the works of photographers I admire, and would love to discuss and comment on them a bit too.
My background in photography is very fresh - starting out on compact camera i have developed desire to capture and keep memorable sights and moments in as good format as possible, which is why I have very soon bought a DSLR camera. Since then I take it to every important outing- be it best friend's wedding or my beloved band's gig, or even just a countryside day-trip. This is my way of making and preserving memories of my life.

So please be kind to me and follow my ramblings from now on ;)
